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Bash script to rename a set of Jotz CMS article markdown files

This is a Bash script I wrote to rename a set of markdown files I had backed up from the old version of Jotz CMS that was used to host my tedz.eu website. The original name of each file was the article title followed by ".md". The new name of each file is the same format currently used by Jotz CMS to store the markdown of each article, basically a human-readable timestamp in this format: "yyyymmdd-hhmmss.md". The Bash script also inserts a pandoc-style metadata block to the beginning of each file with the article title (taken from the original filename).


#for f in ./*
for f in *
    if [[ "$f" == *\.md ]]
        newfilename=$(date -r "$f" +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.md)
        echo --- > $output_file
        echo "title: $title" >> $output_file
        echo ... >> $output_file
        echo "" >> $output_file
        cat "$f" >> $output_file
        echo $newfilename