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Lunchtime Inkscape presentation

pandoc --pdf-engine xelatex -t beamer lunchtime_inkscape_slides.md -o lunchtime_inkscape_slides.pdf
title: Inkscape for Laser Cutting
author: Ted Burke
date: 13-Dec-2022
theme: default
colortheme: default
- \setbeamercolor{normal text}{fg=black,bg=yellow!15}
mainfont: DejaVu Sans

# What is Inkscape?

- Free and open-source 2-D vector graphics editor
- Exists since 2003, but roots trace back to late 1990s
- Works perfectly on Windows, Mac and Linux
- Native format is SVG, but works with many formats
- Similar to Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, etc.
- Graphic design: illustrations, presentations, posters, etc.
- Features also overlap with e.g. AutoCAD

# Drawing for the Laser Cutter

- Thin black lines are cut by the laser. FAST!
- Filled regions are engraved by the laser. SLOW!

For speed, most of our drawings tend to be cutting only - i.e. just thin black cut lines with no additional marks, text, or other elements. 

# Illustration example

![Inkscape drawing by Chris Hildenbrand 2022](island.png){ width=80% }

# Laser cutting example

![RoboSlam laser cutting template image](roboslam.png){ width=80% }

# Demonstration

# Further Reading

- Inkscape Laser Cutting Cheat Sheet
- Inkscape includes great hands-on tutorials under the Help menu
- Many YouTube videos - useful for learning better workflows 

Images from presentation

A PNG render of an example laser cutting template

"New discoveries await..." by Chris Hildenbrand
New discoveries await... by Chris Hildenbrand