_       _       
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Creating presentations in markdown with Beamer and Pandoc

Required packages

Useful information

Example presentation

Here's the markdown file, "slides.md"

- Example Presentation
- Ted Burke
- Teddy O'Flynn
- Copenhagen
- crane
- 31 Aug 2022


# My First Slide

Try a \LaTeX  equation (e.g. $E = mc^2$)...
$$ E = mc^2 $$

## Presentation tools

- Create PDF of slides with Pandoc + Beamer
- Create SVG with Inkscape + JessyInk
- Atril to display PDF slides
- Chromium / Firefox to display SVG

## Best programming languages

- C
- Python
- JavaScript

# Inserting an image

![Image with no width specified](Screenshot_2022-08-31_16-46-14.png)

# Specifying image width as percentage

![Image with width specified as percentage (50%)](Screenshot_2022-08-31_16-46-14.png){width=50%}

# Specifying image width in pixels

![Image with width specified in pixels (100px) $E=mc^2$](Screenshot_2022-08-31_16-46-14.png){width=100px}

# Enumerated lists

This is an enumerated list:

1. bleep
1. bloop
1. plink
1. plonk

To compile the slides into a PDF file:

pandoc -t beamer slides.md -o slides.pdf

Here are the resulting slides:

First slide

Second slide

Third slide

Fourth slide

Fifth slide

Sixth slide