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Read image files into a C program using ffmpeg and a pipe

// readimage.c - written by Ted Burke - 5-Aug-2022
// Uses ffmpeg to read an image from a jpg file via a pipe, inverts
// all pixels in the image, then writes the modified image to a PPM
// image file.

#include <stdio.h>  // required for file i/o functions
#include <stdint.h> // required for uint8_t data type

#define W 1280      // image width
#define H 853       // image height
uint8_t p[3*W*H];   // RGB pixel buffer

int main()
    // invoke ffmpeg to feed raw RGB pixel data in through a pipe
    FILE *pipein = popen("ffmpeg -v quiet -i input.jpg -f image2pipe "
        "-vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -", "r"); // open pipe
    fread(p, 3, W*H, pipein);                      // read pixel data
    pclose(pipein);                                // close pipe

    // invert pixel data, one byte at a time
    for (int n=0 ; n<3*W*H ; ++n) p[n] = 255 - p[n];

    // write modified image to a PPM file
    FILE *fout = fopen("output.ppm", "w");   // open file
    fprintf(fout, "P6\n%d %d\n255\n", W, H); // write image header
    fwrite(p, 3, W*H, fout);                 // write pixel data
    fclose(fout);                            // close file

    return 0;